Company Information
We specialize in machines and tools for installing and maintaining the lifelines of modern communites.
Osaki Precision Co., Ltd was founded in 1948. Since then, for the last 70 over years, we have been supporting people's modern way of life by supplying equipment and tools for plumbing engineering. Our hard work has secured us an ever-increasing share of business, and indeed the highest share, in this field in Japan. We are highly regarded by the waterworks departments of local goverments, and by city gas supplier and plumbing companies.
Special Features
1. Specialized expertise in a valuable field
Since our founding, we have handled the drilling machines that are indispensable for plumbing and branching gas and water lines, and the special tools necessary for these kinds of work. We have been developing our unique expertise in this important field for a long time.
2. Experience and results reaching back 70 over years
We have gathered lots of experience and achieved really impressive results by applying our specialized knowledge during the years since 1948. We turn this irreplaceable value back to our customers by supplying better products.
3. Highest shares throughout Japan
We believe one of the fruits fo our long years of accumulated hard work is having very high shares of the market for our products. We have almost 100% of the business in city gas plumbing, and we have 60% share throughout Japanin water plumbing. ( compared in the tools of drilling works for pipeline)
4. Flexibility to meet actual needs
Each aspect of our ocmpany is geared to offering better service. We have an integrated production system that can handle customer's requirements flexibly, whether they need ready-made goods or special order products.
Yu ( Excellent ) Factory |
Ota Ward " Yu (Excellent ) Factory" is a system for acknowledging factories that are sensitive to the local people and area, who use their excellent management and skills to promote the general welfare. Osaki was approved as a " Yu Factory" in 1998 and has attracted attention inside and outside Japan. |
Our administration is based on ISO 9001:2015, and we carry out environmentally friendly business practices based on ISO 14001:2015. These standards help us constantly improve our quality and bring more satisfaction to our customers.Our plan for the future is to apply our unique technological capabilities to meeting our ongoing goal of only supplying products that our customers really need and want. |
We have received ISO 9001 certification and our unique and original products have earned a good reputation with both domestic and international customers. With the help of all our customers, we hope to develop and supply the products that best meet your needs. |
ISO9001:2015 / 14001:2015 |
Attestation acquisition number: 03033-A / 03033-B
【Attestation registration range of ISO9001:2015 】 The design, development and munufature of the machine and tool which are used for plumbing of gas and water service.
【Attestation registration range of ISO14001:2015】 The design, development and munufature of the machine and tool which are used for plumbing of gas and water service.
Company Profile |
Information of Headoffice, branch and machines used in our factory |
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